Sunday, September 25, 2011


You don't know something till you try (Mostly. Somethings you do know without having to try, such as smoking kills and eating an entire gallon of ice cream isn't worth the gym time to make it up). I am continuing to try different types of photography and I've had the chance to do some maternity photos recently! I have two friends who got married at around the same time about a year ago, and both are going to be delivering their first babies around the same time too (soon!).

Try #1, Katherine and Mike!
Katherine and I were hired around the same time at our workplace, and I'm so thankful for that! She is great! She and her husband recently purchased a home (new job, marriage, new house, baby all in a of her strengths is adaptability, to say the least) and I did some photos of them at their home to send a family. They are precious!

Try #2, Ashley and Tate!
Attempt #2 at photos came with my friends Ashley and Tate, who I worked with at the UGA Wesley Foundation. We met mid-afternoon at one of my favorite places in Athens (farm!) and I had SO much fun with them. I was looking at the photos again to select photos for this post and started laughing again.

These sweet new babies definitely have some great parents!

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