Saturday, January 4, 2014


To the joy of my list-making, calendar-scheduling heart, it is resolution time friends.  While I do want and will have set goals, I also want to have a theme this year, and my theme is going to be "purposeful."

Purposeful | With my time
  • On 1/1 I deleted the Facebook app from my phone, and if I didn’t have church responsibilities I would have deleted my account all together.  It's been refreshing.
  • Trips, they are going to be put onto the calendar and planned for accordingly.

Purposeful | With my relationships
  • Write more letters.
  • (Actually) return phone calls.
  • Being with a person in real life means that my phone will be in my purse.  Unless I'm taking a picture.  Obvi.  :)

Purposeful | With my money
  • Spreadsheet, hi.  Here we go.
  • I’m going to try a month of using the cash back rewards credit card (and not carry a balance) and see how that goes.  I know people who do this, and they 

Purposeful | With my body
  • Y'all, I run like a fiend.  I log hours in the gym weekly.  AND I LOOK NO DIFFERENT.  Time to shake up the exercise routine.  
  • And to shake up the diet.  Time for some changes.  I saw this pin about for a month eliminate these things--January, sweets; February, fried foods (haha, no trouble there); March, alcohol; April, Juice or soda; May, Gluten; June, Sugar.  To the inward groaning in myself I feel at this, I just have to ask myself--what would I rather have?  Less weight or those foods?
  • Learn to rest.

I want to begin things that in a year I will be so glad I did.  I'm looking forward to in 11 months posting on this list about this theme went.  Happy 2014!


  1. No FB on your phone??!! THE HORROR!!!! ;) I feel like you already don't eat any of the things on that elimination plan. I would like to see you try to give up broccoli. ;) And sleep past 6 a.m.

  2. I was going to say put learn to rest at the top of your list. And just cut back on the foods that aren't good for you. You look great just as you are!
