5:45 a.m.
Alarm goes off, and I stay in bed for 30 minutes reading, checking my phone, etc. Realize it's 6:30 and time to pull myself out of bed for the gym. Quickly get dressed, grab my water cup, and head out. Do double-cardio (30 minutes elliptical and run a quick mile) and some weights, realize I'm running late now, and hurry home.
Quickly make coffee (I'm on my last bag of Christmas blend, boo) and cereal (bran cereal; I can't have my favorite because it is still too hard for my jaw),
and post a blog for church. I wash up my breakfast dishes, pack a work snack and dinner (snack, 3 apples for throughout the day; dinner, clementines and turkey & vegetable soup I made), and go upstairs to my room to make the bed and to get ready for work.
This isn't me the first second I roll out of bed, but I don't look much different (confession--there was no face washing or any other grooming before going to the gym, other than re-pinning my hair on top of my head). And yes, those are sweat spots on my shirt. I was soaked.
While in the shower figure out my outfit, quickly do a pitiful attempt on my hair (I was sweaty and it was raining so not a lot of effort was contributed), put on my outfit (hoping it works because I don't have time to change), fix my makeup, and get to work.
9:00 a.m.
Walk into my office,
and evaluate my to-do list. On Tuesday at work boss lady asked for me to help organize two cubicles (which were total dumping grounds for everyone in the building), a project I jumped in with abandon. I quickly knocked out some essential Wednesday emails, and then went to planning the organizing--I was chomping at the bit to get going.
The organizing project quickly snowballed into me beginning to work on every closet and workroom in the building. My heart was d-e-l-i-g-h-t-e-d.
11:30 a.m.
I took a break to have lunch with my dear dear friend Julie.
She's basically one of my favorite people ever. We went to Marti's at Midday...SO GOOD.
Get back to work and continue organizing & cleaning until I have to pause for the day to prep for an after work meeting for an upcoming project. At around 4:30 start on my snack (fruit...apples), and keep prepping. I don't often have to work past 5, and even more rarely have to stay for meetings, so I wanted to prep well.
Realize I haven't gotten my outfit photo and Erika conveniently walks by, so we take care of that.
The Hunter wellies were a find from Suska during Christmas. They were never worn, and I paid 1/4 of there original price. They are pretty high up there on my best deal ever list.
Regroup and game-plan for Thursday, prioritizing the pile on my day-planner,
go to the meeting, finish, go back to my office, quickly eat the rest of my Marti's salad (soup can wait), grab my stuff, and then fly off to small group.
7:00 p.m.
Go to small group (I LOVE these people),
laugh a lot, am exhausted at the end of group, so I leave quickly once group is done. Arrive home, talk to my roommate, have some apples (final apple count for the day--5),
open a beer (I got a sampler from Publix and this one was the first dud. I didn't finish a 1/3 of it before I poured it out), read for a bit before falling asleep sitting up, and drag myself up to bed a short while later.
And that was my Wednesday.
Your days are SO productive!! I just can't wrap my mind around the early morning workout, but it definitely frees up some time in the evenings, so...payoff, I guess? Glad I could provide such excellent iPhone photography for you! And also I think you need to see someone about your apple addiction. It's scary.