Monday, September 3, 2012

Weekend Rewind

Linking up!

Little Moments Like This

Saturday was the Moore's annual Labor Day BBQ.  I went over on Friday night when they put the hog (literally, an entire hog with certain parts missing) on the pit and the beans in the hole (in the ground).  Both were incredibly good.  What was also incredibly good?  A full Saturday with my friends!  In the morning I spent a bit of time with Zakiya and ran a few errands with Tiff before heading out to the farm for the day.  Saturday was wrapped up with a movie with Rebekah and Tiff.  I stayed awake for almost a third of it.  :)
Chicken coop!


New roommate, Tiffany.  I was on the tire swing for a while and my arms are still killing me 2 days later.  Pitiful.

My church didn't meet yesterday so were encouraged to visit elsewhere.  After visiting a new church (during which I texted my friend at work about how I was ruined because I had to get over assessing the signage and hospitality to first time visitors...ruined) I ran, and then went home and cleaned!  I had aspirations of going to visit a friend, but somewhere between finishing mopping and cleaning the shower every bit of motivation in my heart left.  I wrapped up the night reading & finishing a book and working on a project.

Haha, still considered the weekend!  I have a full to-do list right beside me and a ton of motivation to get it done, so this should be good.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for linking up! I visited a new church this weekend and it was lovely. I do agree that how visitors are treated makes all the difference!
