Saturday, April 27, 2013

packing light, and bali fashion.

When traveling, I wouldn't call myself an over-packer, but I wouldn't call myself a light packer either.  For the Bali adventure, I knew that I didn't want to travel with any checked bags because the fam who I was traveling with needed the space far more (they had some of their checked bags in my name, if that makes sense) .  So, carry-on bag it was and I made it!  I'm considering myself a light packer now!

A week before I left I started asking around for a bag and I was loaned a HUGE bag which fit carry-on specifications that was going to be perfect.  Then, Thursday evening I was offered a slightly smaller bag which I fortunately grabbed as well, as this tale continues on.  The Friday night I was packing I had everything in the (bigger) bag when my "supervisor" said the bag was too big (And yes, supervisor.  Knowing thyself, whenever a trip or event is coming I know I become the most productive person ever in all arenas except packing, so I was proactive in asking for help.  All my friend did was just sit in the same room as me I pulled stuff together, but it was more than enough to keep me on task).  Even though this particular bag had travelled as a carry on multiple times I got thrown off, freaked out, and decided to repack in a smaller bag.

Here I am packed, before 10 p.m. and everything.  

I was so proud of myself.

I used a cutthroat packing strategy.  I pulled out everything I thought I'd want to wear, making sure I could mix and match a lot.  Then I pulled a few items out.  I re-mixed outfits, assessed, and then pulled out something else.  I covered my bases, and then did one more cull.  While in Bali I did not miss anything, and I used everything except for the dress I brought with me to travel home in (I wore a different one) and my running clothes (Julie and I optimistically thought we'd go for a run).   

My standard Bali uniform was shorts, tank, and sports bra.  The top combination was crucial because the littles of the trip had the tendency to pull on me, and I came home with some pretty stretched out tanks.  As I was getting ready to come back I put on a tiny bit of makeup and came out of the bathroom wearing the travel dress, one of the littles went, "wow, are you going to work?"  Haha.  Being a tropical island the weather was a delightful swelter all of the time.  It.  was.  glorious.

While harping about the lighter and fluffier parts of this adventure, I'll share this wee-story.  We stayed in the city, which was pretty touristy/metropolitan.  I went on this trip as a nanny so I was occupied almost all of the time, but at one point we (grownups) were done with errands and I ended up having about an hour to myself.  I went walking down a main-ish road, and there were tons of spas/massage salons/etc.  That sounds sketchy, I promise they were not.  Anyways, while walking along taking in everything I passed in front of one of the salons and the kind Balinese lady started talking to me and the next thing I know I found myself in a chair getting a 30 minute neck and shoulder massage.  For $3.50 usd.  I.  KNOW!  Ridiculous.  

Also ridiculous--this spa treatment where you put your feet in a tank full of little fishies, and the fish eat the dead skin off of your feet.  I'm serious.  I'm also serious that I didn't do that treatment.  And I kinda just gagged remembering it.

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