Monday, December 19, 2011


One more thing that happened in the past couple months is that my birthday twin and I turned 26! We spread out our celebrations over 2 weekends (I have learned from wise people over the past few years that it's good to spread these things out), and we started the celebrating with a hike up Blood Mountain. While in hometown we had been enjoying unseasonably warm weather, for a while it was cold. And it was COLD the weekend we went hiking. The bulk of N.'s and my conversation on Friday night involved how many layers we were going to be wearing. 5:30 a.m. came early enough (to a remark later of, "why do we never do anything late?" [see HH trip]) and we were off! We drove and drove, parked, and got going.

Well, we got going after N. saw the sign about bears in the area, "what do you do?!?!" and trying to sort out the way, N.-"are you sure this is the trail?" Me, "no."
But we made it! And it was beautiful!
All the pictures from this trip were from N.'s iPhone; I was advised by N. to not bring my camera. Something about "falling" and "breaking it." It's like she knows me or something.
P.S. Final layer count: 7

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